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saturday: 6:00pm - 11:00pm
this is afaux saint laurent bagThe exec who replaced Netflix's 5-star rating system with 'thumbs up, thumbs down' explains why Netflix For a few years, Netflix has wanted to replace its five-star rating system with something better. Why the big change? Netflix's Cameron Johnson, who oversaw the shift, told Business Insider that it all came from the realization that Netflix had always used star ratings differently than the rest of the internet, but that this distinction wasn't clear to users. "That's not the way people are used to using star ratings on e-commerce ratings" Johnson said. Take Amazon, for instance. "In those contexts, those star ratings are an average." People assumed Netflix was the same. rating netflixNetflix/Business Insider Everyone's a critic faux saint laurent bag!
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sunday: 6:00pm - 10:00pm
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thursday: 6:00pm - 10:00pm
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saturday: 6:00pm - 11:00pm
this is afaux saint laurent bagThe exec who replaced Netflix's 5-star rating system with 'thumbs up, thumbs down' explains why Netflix For a few years, Netflix has wanted to replace its five-star rating system with something better. Why the big change? Netflix's Cameron Johnson, who oversaw the shift, told Business Insider that it all came from the realization that Netflix had always used star ratings differently than the rest of the internet, but that this distinction wasn't clear to users. "That's not the way people are used to using star ratings on e-commerce ratings" Johnson said. Take Amazon, for instance. "In those contexts, those star ratings are an average." People assumed Netflix was the same. rating netflixNetflix/Business Insider Everyone's a critic faux saint laurent bag!